We’re brought up within a social construct where the expectation for perfection is unattainable and any attempt to keep that fabrication alive traps us in a loop of shame and inadequacy. 

As women, we’re expected to raise children, run households, be a great wife-daughter-sister-friend, have a career, a tight booty and no visible signs of aging. 

So many presumptions- but none of them lead us to self care, love and acceptance. 

We’re so busy keeping everyone else alive that we forget what even makes us feel alive anymore. Our oxygen mask often comes last so we’re left with fragments of ourselves that barely resemble the person we once were. We remain detached from our own bodies and emotions because dealing with them is just too damn painful. 

Besides, how can we possibly dedicate time to our own selves when all the other roles are so much more important? So we keep a tight lid on all of the imperfect shadows that reside inside each one of us, waiting for a magical day to happen and make them finally disappear. 

When will we learn that striving for perfection steers us away from real love? 

This idea that we have to be everything, for everyone, at all times is nonsensical. 

In reality everything we attempt to ‘control’ in the pursuit of appearing perfect is nothing but futility. Control means “restrained, managed or kept within certain bounds”. Every attempt of control is what keeps us restrained inside, making genuine connection with ourselves and the world around us virtually impossible. 

My true hope is to see the imperfections within me without judgment and grow into this experience of being a human with more compassion than I started with. Until we’re able to accept ourselves 

To anyone out there feeling the weight of the impossibility of perfection. 

I see you. 

Your value goes beyond any illusion of perfection. 

Your value comes from within, from a deep connection with your own spirit. 

Your value is precisely the things that make you unique. 

